Cloud and server
Autopilot: benefits of early release
by Carla Berkers on 24 May 2016
OpenStack is the leading open cloud platform, and Ubuntu is the world’s most popular operating system for OpenStack. Over the
Cloud and server
ODS Tokyo: OpenStack For Everyone
by James Donner on 3 November 2015
We kicked off OpenStack Summit Tokyo’s Thursday Track Day with Mark Shuttleworth’s opening address, “OpenStack for Everyone”. You can watch it yourself below”...
Cloud and server
Chef and Canonical; an automation story (with a bare metal soundtrack)
by Canonical on 14 April 2015
Cloud and server
MAAS 1.9 network layouts for the Landscape Autopilot
by Andreas Hasenack on 10 April 2015
Thanks for your interest in Ubuntu OpenStack. Canonical has sunsetted OpenStack Autopilot and replaced it with conjure-up. We welcome you to visit our...
Internet of Things
Autopilot Apps & Boards for Drones
by Maarten Ectors on 27 March 2015
Drones are getting Snappy Autopilot Apps. On Indiegogo you can contribute to the PixHawk Fire (PXF). The PixHawk Fire (PXF) is an open hardware cape (daughter...
Cloud and server
Bare-metal magic at the Open Compute Summit
by Canonical on 14 November 2014
In the week before the OpenStack Summit, Mark Shuttleworth was a keynote speaker at the Open Compute Summit (OCP) in Paris. Mark gave an overview of the...
Cloud and server
Ubuntu Cloud documentation – 14.04 LTS
by Canonical on 21 May 2014
This article is out of date. Please visit for up-to-date instructions on installing OpenStack. Deploying production grade OpenStack with...